Heavy Industry Consulting
We have provided vibration, acoustic and engineering consulting services in many industrial settings on heavy equipment and processing issues consulting on vibration, thermal, acoustic noise, stress, strain, fatigue, and failure problems. Some problems involve a complex interaction of multiple variables. The descriptions presented in the tabs above cover a range of issues to illustrate the many projects we have participated in to provide solutions. (see also Product Emergencies, Diagnostic Testing, and Vibration Testing).
Much of the vibration problems in heavy industry involve rotating equipment of some kind, from power generation, mining, paper mills, agriculture, to the Food Industry. The dynamic interaction of the rotating equipment and the surrounding structures present challenging problems that are hard to debug without the help of expert vibration and structural dynamics analysis. We often join a team that includes industry specific experts. Sorting out cause and effect in the structural dynamics puzzle can help the engineering team target the most efficient approach to solving the vibration issue.
Links below provide information by topic:
What makes our consulting services so unique is that on every project we are involved with we are aware of the larger picture of the many factors affecting the structural dynamics of the equipment we are working on. Almost always, our level of experience is key to saving our client crucial time and effort. We have decades of structural dynamics experience in experimental test design, instrumentation, digital signal processing, measurement, analysis, trouble shooting, and engineering solutions. We are also well grounded in basic physics and are often working on problems that involve acceleration, relative displacement, thermal issues, strain measurement, flow, and acoustics. An understanding of the limitations of our instrumentation and the physics that couples multiple disciplines of physics is one of our assets.
It should also be noted that bringing delicate instrumentation into an industrial setting, installing sensors, running cable, and setting up meaningful experiments requires logistical techniques that can only be developed with experience. We have been learning these lessons for the past 30 years and continue to refine our techiques. We often work during a planned, or unplanned, shutdowns. Our experimental design and planning experience is critical to gathering the right data to reveal the nature of the problem and point to a set of solutions

Inspection of Exhaust Duct as Part of Heating Tube Failure Analysis

Boiler Vibration and Structural Analysis of Floor System
We plan on updating the web site periodically to include examples of our work. Our extensive Client List represents hundreds of projects, some involving days of work, others lasting several months, over the last 30+ years. Our website is put together by our engineers and has been evolving slowly since 2006, as we find the time to work on it. Descriptions of many of our projects can be found in the left hand links under the various topics that describe our test, analysis, and design work.

Cracked Heating Tubes